Saturday, January 15, 2011

Anchors Away

Our fancy boat
Due to illness Christina will not be mentioned in this post. She was still too sick to join us on the overnight boat trip. We felt bad leaving her but we did not have to time to wait. The owner of our guest house, a young Indian man, was more than happy to check in on her while we were away.

We left at 11:30 am and rode slowly through a small canal full of decaying boats. Which merged with a large canal filled with the mega house boats with plasma TVs and air conditioning. No, our boat did not have air con and it was sweltering outside. I do not really know what we were thinking when we agreed to this. After about 30 minutes in the big canal we parked and the cook made lunch. We all sat around writing and playing cards. We taught Tino the German how to play spoons. Another boat pulled up and parked for lunch and an Indian tourist got off with his son and walked over toward our boat. Sha Sha being neighborly said hello and his reply was “I’m Indian.” I am not sure what that meant and none of us knew how to reply so we just went back to our game of cards.
FiFi writting

After another hour we pulled away and rode through some more canals for about an hour. Every few minutes we would see kids on the side of the canal motioning that they wanted a pen. I am not sure how they intended us to get them the pen but we did not have any except one of sentimental value so we could not help out.
The amazing sunset

Then we parked for dinner and to watch the magical (except for the boat horns) sunset. It was amazing and the whole trip was worth it just to see the sunset. I wish that Christina was not sick because I am sure she could have captured the moment better. While the sun was setting the cook was making dinner. We had a great veg meal and then came what I would like to call lame craziness. We started drinking beer and playing drinking games. Unfortunately everyone had eaten so much that we were too full to really drink a lot. The game we played was Ring of Fire or Captain Dickhead depending on where you are from. It was a bit interesting since no one had really ever played it but me and I could not remember all the rules so we just made up things. One of my favorites that we made up is that you have to go around and sing at least 3 words of a song, any song, and the first to mess up has to drink. It gets really funny after a few rounds when people start using the batman theme song, the itsy bitsy spider and I like big butts. Anyway toward the end of the game everyone except Sofi was moaning about being too full to continue. We made it to the bottom of the bottles and ended up drinking a bit more beer. After a lame one and a half beers (they are big) we called it a night.
Tino playing cards

The boys put up a bug net on the front of the boat and Sofi and I shared the bed in the cabin. This, in my opinion, was a bad choice. The bug net was clinging to my body and every time I moved the net would almost fall down. I got a migraine and it was like an oven in the cabin. I was sweating so much that I think the pillow was actually wet and due to the net being unstable, the only thing I could do to change positions was move my arm up and down. This did not help me get more comfortable, it only managed to frustrate me even more. Finally, I had to get up and go to the bathroom because I was going to be sick from my migraine. I couldn’t face getting back into that bed so I went outside and sat in a chair and covered my face and legs with a towel to ward off mosquitos(My form of malaria protection). Tino woke up at one point and too not seem so crazy I took the towel off my head. I am sure that he thought I was creepily watching him while he slept. Tino I need to ask you a personal question.

When everyone finally woke up we found out how ridiculous last night really was. You heard my story but the boys did not have enough room to stretch their legs out at the front of the boat so they had to sleep cramped up all night with the mosquito net lying on their faces and at one point it started to rain so they got wet as well. Then Sofi admitted to sleeping fine in the bed and that it was not that bad. I think that she and the driver, who slept on the floor and was snoring like a bear all night, are the only ones that got any sleep.

We had breakfast and then drove back to the dock. It was a great experience but if I did it again I might go for one of the fancy boats.



  1. Ordering drinks for breakfast:
    "Black coffee, no milk, NO SUGAR! please"
    *milk with a tiny bit of coffee*
    Oookay, let's try again
    "BLACK coffee, NO milk, NO SUGAR!!, please"
    *tea with sugar*

  2. How could I forget that! That was one of the best moments on the trip. It also reminds me of the time you ordered black coffee at that family restaurant in Allepey and got sugar in it after making a point to say no sugar. Your response was the best. "I SAID NO SUGAR!" I had never seen you look so enraged/disgusted when you took that first sip of coffee. Then they brought you the sugar bowl. Haha great times.


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